About Us
The Birth and Progress of the Japanese Teaching Society of Japan
This Society was launched in 1950 with the aim to further the study of teaching the Japanese language and literature. Those who took the initiative were the members of university faculties, who were experts of the Japanese language and literature. Thanks to the resilient effort of the founding members as well as their followers who shared the same aspirations, steady progress has been made since. The Society has grown to be a large organisation today, comprising over 1,100 members. They represent diverse backgrounds including faculty members of universities, those from schools attached to universities, graduate school students, teachers of elementary, junior high, senior high schools and others. We are proud that this Society is open and progressive. We invite whoever is interested in this academic discipline to join the organisation, becoming a member regardless of their background. The membership has gradually expanded both domestically and internationally. To our great pleasure, the Japanese Society of Japan has been widely recognised in its genuine sense as the most representative academic and educational community in Japan dedicated to the furtherance of teaching of the Japanese language and literature.
Activities of the Japanese Teaching Society of Japan
There are four major categories of our activities.
1. Conference
Conference is held normally twice a year, one in spring and the other in autumn. Included in the programme are the presentations of research work based on either freely selected subjects or given projects. In addition, symposium, panel discussion , round table and other sessions are held. The presentations reflect a broad perspective of researchers, disclosing the most advanced outcome of their study. The scope of subjects is wide and diversified including historic analysis, peer review of classroom teaching, comparative studies of teaching the national language and literature, the study of teaching practice in class and so forth.
2. Publications
The journal “Teaching of the Japanese Language and Literature (kokugoka kyōiku)” is published twice a year. Seventy-one(71) volumes have been published so far. Research papers submitted to this journal are assessed strictly by the editing committee. Only those of an excellent quality are accepted. While there appear many papers published in the academic circles related to the teaching of the Japanese language and literature, those endorsed by our Society can enjoy the highest recognition among all.
3. Information Exchange & Communication about Research Activities
Significant effort has been made by our Society for the furtherance of information exchange. We are the hub of communication network, connecting many parties concerned. Included in this undertaking is the publication of books discussing the theories and teaching practices, which is highly appreciated in the academic and educational communities. We host open public forums. This website has been constantly updated to advance people’s awareness of this Society. We believe that this internet facility contributes significantly to the communication among the members as well as the exchange between our organisation and the society in general.
When we publish books, utmost effort has been made by the entire organisation dedicating all the resources available. The catalogue till today includes “The Achievement and Future Outlook of the Study of Teaching the Japanese Language and Literature (kokugo kyōiku-gaku no seika to tenbō)” (2002) ,“The Teaching Practice of the Japanese Language and Literature/Essential Guidance for its Research (kokugo-ka kyōiku jissen/kenkyūhikkei)” (2009) and others. We are proud that these books indeed mark a remarkable culmination of our high aspirations to striding towards our goal.
“Open forums” are open to the public in general and free of charge, inviting non-members as well. The discussions are focused on inspiring and practical subjects such as the “analytical method of teaching practice” and “method to analyse and review school textbooks”.
4. JTSJ Outstanding Papers of the Year Award
The JSTJ Outstanding Papers of the YearAward was established in 2011. The recipients will be selected from the authorsof the papers in the Journal “Teaching of the Japanese Language and Literature(kokugoka kyoiku)”. The Year Award is a 50,000yen award grant from JTSJ.
Contact Us
Please contact us through e-mail as well. We welcome as new members of this Society all those who are interested in teaching the Japanese language and literature. We look forward to receiving your enquiry about our organisation at the secretariat noted below.
Secretariat of the Japanese Teaching Society of Japan
Email address: jtsj-post@as.bunken.co.jp